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Chantal Channel

- I can be your mistress, a toilet lover like you, a sweet shameless and ...

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Chantal Channel
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9 minutes video
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1220 videos included

ChantalChannel la tua ragazza è gelosa- your jealous girlfriend

un meraviglioso roleplay tutto italiano: interpreto la tua fidanzata che viene a farti una visita a casa perchè stai per nonprendere il raffreddore ti sono vicino con guanti e maschera ma intanto ti faccio qualche domanda un pò impicciona perchè sono gelosa di te e...
a wonderful all-Italian roleplay: I play your girlfriend who comes to visit you at home because you're sick. In order not to infect me, I'm close to you with gloves and a mask but in the meantime I'll ask you some slightly inquisitive questions because I'm jealous of you and... a sweetly unpredictable video

un video dolcemente imprevedibile
1228 posts total are available.