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Yuri Gaucho

-  brasileiro e estreou na noite paulistana nos eventos como gogoboy e stripper. A sua simpatia chamou a ateno de vrias casas de shows que o convidaram para entreter o seu pblico com o seu carisma, beleza, sensualidade e para mostrar o tamanho impressionante do seu dote de 25x18cm (comprimento e grossura) medidos fita em algumas oportunidades. Yuri conquistou prmios como maior dote em alguns concursos dos quais ele participou... Dote pessoas que o conhece. Com tanta repercusso, Yuri Gacho atraiu a ateno de produtoras internacionais e, da veio o convite para participar de filmes adultos produzidos na Europa por grandes nomes da indstria porn como Rocco Siffredi, Remigio Zampa, entre outros. Retornando ao Brasil, Yuri Gacho filmou para algumas produtoras locais, conquistando um novo pblico e aumentando o assdio, do pessoal que o conhecera a partir dessa poca. Mas, logo partiu para fortalecer a sua marca prpria, produzindo, dirigindo e atuando em cenas picantes que esto no imaginrio do seu pblico, fs e admiradores. Em 2019-2020, Yuri Gacho foi presena VIP em shows (de sexo ao vivo) nas capitais Rio e So Paulo e cativou mais uma vez a todos os que puderam v-lo em cena novamente. Aps este perodo, ele declara que voltar aos palcos para fazer o que faz de melhor: seduzir e encantar a todos e provocar em ns a vontade de provar tudo que ele oferecer. Assine o contedo e fique por dentro de tudo o que vir.

Yuri Gaucho profile picture
Yuri Gaucho
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20 minutes video
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93 videos and 1 photo included


If you are looking for a unique experience in terms of adult content then you need to check out my channel. I'm always creating new and exciting content for my followers. I'm always open to suggestions and comments, and I love interacting with the community. I strive to provide a personalized experience for each of my followers, so you can be sure you're in good hands. More content like this? Subscribe me and get exclusive content every week. Help me get to the 10K subscribers and I'll do a raffle for a custom video for the winner.
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Yuri Gaucho
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29 minutes video
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93 videos and 1 photo included

YURI GAUCHO - The best of Yuri Gaucho SOLO

Want to watch a variety of exciting and interesting videos? Check out my video playlists! I've compiled a selection of my favorite videos across multiple categories. So why not dive into one of my playlists and discover amazing new videos? If you are looking for a unique experience in terms of adult content then you need to check out my channel. I'm always creating new and exciting content for my followers. I'm always open to suggestions and comments, and I love interacting with the community. I strive to provide a personalized experience for each of my followers, so you can be sure you're in good hands. More content like this? Subscribe me and get exclusive content every week. Help me get to the 10K subscribers and I'll do a raffle for a custom video for the winner.
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Yuri Gaucho
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5 minutes video
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93 videos and 1 photo included

THE MASSEUR - The best massage with latino boy

Want to watch a variety of exciting and interesting videos? Check out my video playlists! I've compiled a selection of my favorite videos across multiple categories. So why not dive into one of my playlists and discover amazing new videos? If you are looking for a unique experience in terms of adult content then you need to check out my channel. I'm always creating new and exciting content for my followers. I'm always open to suggestions and comments, and I love interacting with the community. I strive to provide a personalized experience for each of my followers, so you can be sure you're in good hands. More content like this? Subscribe me and get exclusive content every week. Help me get to the 10K subscribers and I'll do a raffle for a custom video for the winner.
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Yuri Gaucho
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6 minutes video
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93 videos and 1 photo included

THE MASSEUR - Latino boy takes my dick

Want to watch a variety of exciting and interesting videos? Check out my video playlists! I've compiled a selection of my favorite videos across multiple categories. So why not dive into one of my playlists and discover amazing new videos? If you are looking for a unique experience in terms of adult content then you need to check out my channel. I'm always creating new and exciting content for my followers. I'm always open to suggestions and comments, and I love interacting with the community. I strive to provide a personalized experience for each of my followers, so you can be sure you're in good hands. More content like this? Subscribe me and get exclusive content every week. Help me get to the 10K subscribers and I'll do a raffle for a custom video for the winner.
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